Clothing Swap Party!

We had the best time this weekend hosting a clothing swap for our friends - and we want you to do the same!  Here are the simple elements you need to host a successful event of your own.

What is a clothing swap?  It’s an opportunity for you to give your clothing items you no longer have use for to someone who will give your items new life and take home new to you clothes without spending a dime!

Why host a clothing swap?  It’s an opportunity to really go through your closet and feel good about moving on from items you no longer love (but know someone else will!).  It’s the true definition of a win-win!

How to host a clothing swap: 

  • Save the date: Give your guests at least a month notice so they can take the required time to go through their belongings and identify items to contribute.

  • Encourage guests to save dry cleaning hangers and bring them to the event so clothes can be hung up (better to see what’s for offer!)

  • On the day of your party (host in an open space like a living room), have guests unpack their items and hang and fold what they brought.

  • Guests “shop” the collective clothing (for free!).  The spirit of the party is give and take so while there are no set rules, guests should use their best judgment to make sure everyone takes home a fair amount of belongings!

The host of the party then volunteers to donate the remaining clothing to a local charity of their choosing.  One of our favorite local partners is Cerridwen’s Closet which supports women in crisis by helping them with the essentials they need to get back on their feet.

Pick a date, grab your bestie and host a fun filled brunch with your friends. Happily say bye bye to your no longer loved items and snag some fresh looks in return!


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