Holiday Guest Prep!

Don’t be mad at us for saying this out loud, but the holidays are coming, just ask the shelves of Target if you need proof!  Since we’re friends, please know that we’re not sharing this reminder to send you into a spin but, rather, give you the heads up that it’s a good time to start thinking though highly visible spaces and storage ahead of guests coming into your home in the months to come.  

If you start to get ready now, you won't have to think about it later - and it’s easier than it seems (and better to get to work when the pressure of an impending visit isn't immediately looming).  Please don't find yourself at HomeGoods Thanksgiving week looking for guest soaps, we won't allow it!

Some spaces to consider now:

Kitchen drawers - Allow guests to actually help you in the kitchen vs constantly asking where your measuring cups/cutting board/sharp knife are!  Challenge yourself to only keep the most used tools (the avocado pitter and pineapple slicer can go away!).  Stock up on economical, fresh kitchen towels for prep and clean up.  Drawer dividers are your best best friends for turning large, unruly drawers into categorized lanes.

Linen Closet - Your beds only need two sheet sets, please donate or toss the rest.  Give your guest towels and washcloths a onceover; Amazon and Target have well priced options if you’re in the market to upgrade your offerings (be sure to say goodbye to the old ones).  Large baskets in a uniform style bring beautiful order to your closet and allow guests to easily find what they need without bothering you!  Bonus points for clip-on labels clearly stating what is in each bin.

Guest Closet - Your guest closet has become an absolute dumping ground for everything in your house that does not have a designated use.  Now what?  Depending on how much time you have, this is a perfect opportunity to really purge this overflow space and reconsider where to put the items that have lost their way.  We are big fans of maximizing garage storage so overflow doesn't make its way into your home!

You wont regret getting a jump on this portion of your holiday prep! Believe us!


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