The Mindful Edit

As our inboxes become filled with tempting sales and our favorite stores are screaming at us that Black Friday is already under way - we’re encouraging you to shop with intention this time of year so you won’t be filled with regret and overwhelm come January. The noise to over-consume is real, and we love you too much to let you fall for it! 

Remember, the same voices suggesting all new Christmas decor will be selling you solutions to get rid of it all come January. Stay focused and don’t get sucked into the noise!

Some of our tips to avoid over-consumption and mindfulness this holiday season:

  • Avoid the temptation to pop into stores for everyday items if you can avoid it. Place an online order for drive up pick up instead! No one is stronger than the call of the dollar bins at Target and trust us, you don’t need another tea towel with a snowman on it!

  • When it comes to shopping this time of year (and really this applies year round!) think less items at higher quality. Clothes and accessories you’ll actually reach for, that wear and wash well.

  • Do your best not to succumb to the temptation of season-specific dinnerware, glassware, napkins, etc. instead, use your everyday serving items and create a festive table with organic ingredients like fresh fruit, and pine that are easily composted when the season is through.

  • In turn, be a responsible gift giver! Instead of the LOL Dolls that won’t be looked at past the 26th of December, consider giving your niece a movie and lunch day with you instead. The memories will last much longer and isn’t that what this time of year is about anyway?

Becoming mindful this time of year can be challenging! Consider rethinking your ways before the pull to purchase hits you.


Customize your entryway


Purchasing in bulk!