Life hacks - get on board!

If you think we obsess over organizing your pantry, you should see how we obsess over organizing our precious personal time and how best to use it! 

You too, can become a time management wizard and feel like your own Chief of Staff.  These hacks center around anticipating the needs of your future self by knocking small things off your list NOW so you are not scrambling and wasting time when these things become more urgent!

Try these hacks and you’ll be blown away by how they make you feel about how you manage your life and value your time.  You can be organized and feel like you have it together!  Five minutes now could save you hours later, here are some of our favorite trips!

  • Do you know you’ll need a reservation for a birthday dinner two months away?  Just book it now so you’re not spending valuable time begging for a table inside in February for Grandma’s 80th

  • Passing by a bank before going home?  Grab the cash you know you’ll need for your sitter/cleaner/handyman in the coming weeks so you’re not urgently running out to the bank the day you need it

  • Grab that end of year teacher gift now!  Think it’s too early?  Your crazy busy future self will thank you come May

  • Have 10 minutes between an appointment and school pick up?  Get gas.  Not empty?  Doesn't matter. Fill ‘er up.  Don’t get stuck having to make the stop when the timing is less than ideal

  • Order stamps online (yes!!!).  We cannot and will not step foot in the Post Office unless there is truly an emergency

  • Know you’re going away for Spring Break?  Hold your mail NOW before it books up

  • Summer Camps - book them now so you’re not scrambling later.  No, it’s not actually too early

  • Book that sitter the sooner rather than later so you’re not in a pinch

  • Special occasion outfits for you and kids - just buy them now. You don’t want to be at Nordstroms trying on shoes the day before your niece’s wedding and panic buying $300 pumps you’ll never wear again, right?

  • Gift wrap, gift tissue, birthday cards.  We always pick these up when we’re at Homegoods.  Don’t be caught in the CVS parking lot wrapping a gift on the way to that party, it’s avoidable

  • Reserve that kids’ party now.  It doesn't matter if it’s months away.  When your plan A books up, you’ll spend so much wasted time researching and calling around for Plan B…or Plan C.  Book it.

  • Have your groceries delivered.  If you’re not on this train yet, JUMP ON.  You’ll save time driving to and shopping in the store (especially if there are kids involved) and buy only what you need. No lugging groceries.  Get them exactly where and when you need them.  Thank us later.

Small but powerful tips we live by to make the most of your precious time!


Your closet…yes it’s time!


You’ve purged! Now what?