Your closet…yes it’s time!

If you’re putting off sorting through and organizing your closet, you are not alone. There is something about the personal nature of this task that can make the mental roadblock real!  That said,the mental clarity and time savings you're rewarded with make the effort truly worth it. 

Here are some of our favorite tips to get you started:

  • Challenge yourself to wear what you have - Once something is worn, turn the hanger around in your closet.  Look - really look - at what you haven't been able to convince yourself to wear after two months.  These are likely items that don’t make you feel your absolute best and should be tossed.

  • Spend more on less - Resist the urge to build a wardrobe of fast fashion. These items tend to fall apart in the wash and cheap materials mean they tend not to flatter you the way higher quality materials do.  Think, fewer, higher quality items you can invest in and wear for years and years to come!

  • Tough love - Enlist your honest friend to go through your clothes, especially the items you might need a push to get rid of.  Supply coffee or wine and make it fun!  Have lots of bags ready to get those items that don't make the cut out of your space.

  • Consider the invisible cost - All the extra items in your closet that have no real value to you aren't just taking up physical space, they are taking up mental real estate as well (for example, a feeling of overwhelm vs clarity every time you open your closet.  Get rid of what you don't wear and lighten the decision making mental load.

  • Let’s be real - You've heard it before, but we'll say it again, keeping clothes for years with the hope of fitting into them simply gives your clothing too much power to make you feel bad about yourself.  You deserve better.

  • We love hosting clothing swaps!  These fun events provide a great excuse to gather your friends to swap clothes and take home items that are new to you and give everyone the motivation to get rid of items you no longer need.

Your closet may represent part of you, but holding onto unworn items only holds you back!


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