Taming kids toys

The reality of keeping kids' toys tidy requires a combination of solutions, child involvement and a regular clean up routine. Forming a consistent routine around their playzone instills good habits for your kids from a young age and saves you so much work at the end of the day! 

Start by establishing good storage solutions such as clearly labeled bins and baskets of appropriate size for small hands. Keep shelving low and at eye level, this gives no reason for lack of access at the end of a play session!  Encourage little ones to regularly assist you in removing broken or unused items so there is always space for any new items that somehow find their way into your home! 

Avoid getting caught in the trap of purchasing unnecessary amounts of storage products by practicing the one in one out rule. Every time new items find their way into your home, ensure equal amounts are donated or passed onto a friend or family member. This keeps your numbers manageable and consistent. 

Above all, the playzone should always be fun! So let’s focus on what really matters, the joy of providing a fun and accessible playing experience.

Embrace the fun in cleaning: Make tidy-up time a delightful adventure!


After school action


A seasonal closet