A seasonal closet

Seasonally rotating your closet and transitioning your wardrobe to align with changing seasons can be a daunting task so let’s keep the process simple with these tips.

Assess; begin by evaluating your current clothing collection, identify items that are no longer suitable for the upcoming season.  If space permits, store your off-season garments in labeled storage bins or vacuum-sealed bags, alternatively, move those items to the back of your closet until next year. Really understanding what we have limits unnecessary purchasing keeping our space clear and clutter free!

Purge; identify those pieces that didn’t make it out for the season, today could be the day to say goodbye so consider donating to your local charity for another chance.

Spruce; now that you have a handle on your closet, consider uniformed hangers, fresh baskets for the accessories and shelf dividers for those perfectly folded sweaters. 

Before you know it the cooler weather will be upon us so get a jump on your space now! 

Seasonal transition is key to keeping an organized space.

When you can see everything you are more likely to enjoy what you have!


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